Healing Page
The best way to heal a problem is to remove the cause of the problem.
Healing involves personal growth.
When you are healing, you are growing. We can grow in different ways, of course: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
We don’t just have one lifetime and die.
We have about 100-600 lifetimes. Each lifetime brings different experiences, more growth for us.
We might see the physical lifetime as a gift from the Creator.
We do not have to be punished for any negative things we do in these lifetimes.
It is wise to heal / clear the unresolved issues we accumulate in these many past lives.
This is the real world, guys.
The unresolved issues block us in many ways. These blocks are in our spiritual body and, while our physical bodies change from from lifetime to the next, our spiritual body the same in every lifetime. Some of these blocks will go into our physical body.
We do healing / clearing to release them.
We can accurately use your photo and our list of words to know which issues need clearing for you.
Each word is the vibration of what it is.
If we say or think of a word, we create its vibration, making us the creator. We create like this all the time, usually unconsciously.
Becoming conscious of what we are creating is a major change in our life.
What we focus on can get created. Everything has a vibration, making it easy to identify with a list of words. Each word is the vibration of what it is. We have lists of all the organs, the diseases, and many other words that are continually used by us and are in our bodies like fear – love – anger – pain – unloveable – stress – tension – shame – not good enough – and hate. There are about 4,000 of these words in the average person. I can feel the amount of energy a person has in each of these word, like a lot of anger or a little. Michael does this when he works with your photo, which has everything in it that is in you.
Nearly everyone has a lot of “not good enoughs”, which hold us back in many ways. The removal of these words from us enables us to do things we can’t do now.
The Power of Words
Michael does this when he works with your photo, which has everything in it that is in you. Everything you speak and think creates the exact vibration of what that word is. Be careful what you say and think! We are the creators.
Negative Words
- Rage
- Anger
- Hate
- Stress
- Tension
- Lonely
- Unloveable
- Shame
- Not Good Enough
- Fear
- Grief
- Guilt
- Rejection
- Sorrow
- Torture
- Worry
- Anxiety
Positive Words
- Calm
- Peaceful
- Still
- Serene
- Quiet
- Witnessing
- Love
- Kind
- One with all that is
- Friendly
- Joy
- Happy
- Ecstatic
- Fondness
- Loving
- Warm
- Comfortable
The average person has about 4,000 words in their body. All of these words have vibrations that affect us much of the time.
This is the real world, guys.
Now…onto some of the many healings and clearings done by Michael and the archangels: a one-hour session is $75.
We charge for the number of hours it takes for the session usually. Some sessions take over 100 hours. We repair, tune up, or replace organs and systems. Michael and the archangels work on everything that needs work. I will give you the price and number of hours it will take.
Michael and the archangels create the vibrations we need for healing and clearing. We never create toxic vibrations.
We welcome you to a greater understanding of healthy and unhealthy in our world.
A physical body is more complicated than your computer. It is a great accomplishment to increase your state of being. This is your level of awareness. It is called by some spiritual growth. There are many books about this. Michael is writing one called, The Real World and Its Vibration.
A list of things that are healthy:
- Taking care of your own needs first
- Being the most important person in your life
- Loving yourself will bring all that you need to you
- Working a job you like
- Being with people you like
- Living in a healthy environment
- Buying food and drink that are high in vibration without toxic additives
- Trusting yourself
This can be a long process. Make changes as you can. Use this affirmation: I am good enough for the very best.
A list of things that are unhealthy:
- Doing a job you don’t like
- Eating toxic food
- Always doing for others first
- Consuming alcohol
- Not loving yourself (could cause heart disease)
- Using quick fixes instead of giving yourself what you really need to improve your health
- Giving up before you achieve your goals
- Being with people who are unhappy
- Chemotherapy, XRAYS, all radiation
- Living under high voltage power lines
- Aluminum in your house
- Using a microwave
- Telling yourself “I can’t change” takes you down each time you say it. Focus on what you WANT, not what you DON’T WANT.
Solution: get help and help yourself. Change your state of being. Use the affirmation: If I could have done better in the past, I would have.

A “Healing for our Planet” Session
Three sessions, four hours each.
1st 4-hour session – $200
2nd 4-hour session – $200
3rd 4-hour session – $200
When enough people have done all 12 hours of healing, there will be positive changes taking place, because YOU will be changing.
- You will be dissolving about 24 million unresolved issues. These unresolved issues are held by consciousnesses of ours, in shock, in our energy bodies.
- These unresolved issues are there because we had experiences that put our consciousnesses in shock and those consciousnesses are living that experience over and over again each day.
- Yes, they add up after hundreds of lifetimes.
- These unresolved issues are the main things holding us back, in many different ways. When we get triggered, we have connected with a consciousness of ours that is in shock.
Call Michael if you have questions or to schedule: 912-977-9707.