Welcome to a Healer’s Website

Michael Glicker graduated from the Barbara Brennan School of Healing in 1996. It is a four-year, non-residential, international healing school that focuses on energy healing. Barbara Brennan was a research physicist at NASA, had three PhDs, and was clairvoyant and clairaudient. This school is considered to be one of the most prestigious healing schools in the world.

Michael works with the archangels and great masters. He is in his 37th year of healing work. He has taught healing classes, Pathwork classes and given many talks on many subjects related to healing. Also he has been involved in the spirit world with the forces of light for about 40 years.

The main world we all live in is the spirit world. We are ALL spirits who live physical lifetimes. Each of us has between 100-600 physical lifetimes. We live our physical lives to evolve and grow; we can be a man, woman or animal and we may even live on different planets.

This is the real world, guys.

Michael Glicker
a one-hour session is $75

Michael is available for speaking with your group.

Cost can be quoted for you. Healing can be included with the archangels.

One person may call and talk, it’s $2/minute.

Use the PayPal link below: 

We can recognize someone we have known from a past life from their spirit body because we have the same spirit body (sometimes called our soul) in each of our lifetimes. Our spirit bodies may have existed zillions of years before we had a human body.

There are thousands to millions of unresolved issues in our spirit bodies. Some of these unresolved issues get into our physical bodies, that is why ~ 90% of our problems are from past lives.

Everything happens in our spirit bodies first. If we don’t believe in past lives, that will not change all the experiences you have had from them.

Living many lifetimes is great for our personal growth, but in our travels we pick up a lot of unresolved issues. We do lots of clearing of these past life unresolved issues. We do our clearing and healing by working in the spirit body. Working in the physical body to do healing is very difficult. It is much easier to work in the spirit body; there is no surgery needed because everything is accessible to us.

All the forms in the physical body are in the spirit bodies and created from the spirit bodies first. When Michael and the archangels work on rebuilding something in the physical body, they work in the spiritual body from the original forms, thus recreating it they way God made it.

This is the real world, guys.

Removing the cause of the problem is always the best way to improve our lives.

Michael’s Training in Specific Modalities:










…and many more.
Read more on Michael’s bio page, here

What is Healing?

Healing is changing the way we are now to something better, some call this becoming whole.

Wholeness is not acheieved by the search for one-shot solutions.

The search for specialized answers of complex situations yields very little benefit.

A never-ending pursuit of greater wholeness is the answer to ascending the levels of your life.


What is Wholeness?

The result of real healing is greater wholeness.

Real healing includes personal growth.

Basically, real healing is the dissolving of unresolved issues from our past lives. A result of this is the regaining a part of ourselves that has not been available to us. This increases our wholeness.

A lack of wholeness is responsible for many addictions.  A person with major addictions has lost their ability to live without using a crutch to make themselves functional in the world.

No one is playing with a full deck, because we all have endless potential.