One person may call and talk, it’s $2/minute. Use PayPal on the web site.
Major Healings
Immune System Tune Up – $16,000
Elderly people become more susceptible to all types of infections from about the age 60. Price for this is $16,000.
New Nervous System – $12,000
There is a vast difference between working on the physical body and working in the energy fields. Working in the energy fields is ancient work. Michael and the archangels do every kind of work by working in the energy fields.
It is very difficult to do healing work on the physical body. It is very easy to do healing work in the energy fields. Our main body is our spiritual body––NOT our physical body. It has forms in it that create all that is in our physical bodies. By using the forms in our spirit body, we can easily rebuild ANYTHING we need to in the physical body, even within the brain. Everything is accessible to us.
There are many sessions you may not know about now, some of these sessions are:
- Cord Work
- Removal of Weapons
- Torture
- Sexual Abuse
- Beheading
- Castration
- Clearing all of our Dark Consciousnesses
- A new nervous system
- Dementia Healing
- Removing Toxins from Vaccinations and Medications
- Destroying all Consciousnesses that are Keeping Us from Fully Loving Ourselves
- Increased Blood Circulation
- Dissolving consciousnesses that are holding us back the most
- Clearing Energy Circuits
- Destroying All Consciousnesses not in Harmony with the Soul
- Covid-19 (group clearings (of up to 100 or more people) can also be quoted)
And many more…